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Xero Migration Service for Charities: Streamline Your Finances Today

Our Approach

Discovery calls and business analysis

Customize implementation plan

Your Organization Setup

One-on-one or group Xero training session

Supported by Xero Certified advisor

Ongoing support for your business

What our clients say

The Ultimate Solution to Simplify Your Charity’s Finances

Are you struggling to manage your charity’s finances effectively? Do you need a better way to track donations, expenses, and cash flow? Xero non-profit accounting can help!

Not-for-profit businesses have specialised accounting and budgeting needs, which is why Xero has created an exclusive solution for those requirements. Xero non-profit is perfect for organisations that need to manage donations, track expenditures, and report on their finances.

We understand the unique challenges that charities face, and we’ve created a service tailored to your needs. Our dedicated team of Xero-migration specialists will help you seamlessly migrate to the world’s leading online accounting software.

Furthermore, eCloud Experts can help you integrate third-party add-ons that are customised to meet the specific requirements of your charity. Our bespoke Xero charity training ensures that you and your staff are proficient with the software, making it easy to utilise its features efficiently and effectively.

 Key Benefits of Xero for Charities

Real time information

Real time information for clear overview of current financial position

Automated Bank Feed

Automated Bank Feed for importing transactions and saving time

Charity Add-ons

Third-party add-ons designed for charities to automate financial processes

Donor Tracking

Clear record of all donation or donors in Xero account

Customising Reports

Create and customise financial reports in Xero to match your needs

Access from Anywhere

Access to Xero Accounting App for staying connected on the go

Expert Xero Migration Service for a Smooth Transition

At eCloud Experts, we provide Xero Charity Migration service to help non-profits and charities transition effortlessly from their current accounting platforms to Xero. Our experts are equipped to handle the entire migration process, ensuring accurate transfer of all your financial data to Xero.

Our Xero Migration Service for Charities ensures a seamless, stress-free move to the world’s most user-friendly accounting software. With the expertise of our team at eCloud Experts, transitioning to Xero has never been easier. We understand that the process can seem daunting, but with our expert guidance, you can enjoy all the benefits Xero has to offer without any hassle.

Don’t let the complexity of accounting distract you from your efforts to bring about positive change. Let us handle your migration to Xero and invest your resources in driving your mission forward.

Why Should You Choose Our Migration Service?

Comprehensive Data Transfer
  • NAccurate migration of financial records
  • NNo disruption to your charity's operations
Personalised Setup
  • NAssistance with setup to suit your charity's needs
  • NExpert advice on best practices

Tailored Training and Support

  • NCustomised training for your team
  • NOngoing support and advice

Which software’s can we migrate over to Xero?

Our data migration process supports major accounting software. We can transfer the data if it can be exported to a csv or excel file. We have successfully migrated data from the following popular accounting software:
  • NAccounts Portal
  • NAkaunting
  • NClearBooks
  • NCrunch
  • NAccess Dimension
  • NExact
  • NMicrosoft Excel
  • NFirstBooks
  • NFreeagent
  • NGoDaddy (Formerly Outright)
  • NGreat Plains
  • NKashFlow
  • NMicrosoft Dynamics
  • NMoneyWorks
  • NMYOB Essential
  • NPandle
  • NQuicken
  • NQuickFile
  • NQuickBooks Desktop
  • NQuickBooks Online
  • NSage 50
  • NSage 50 Instant
  • NSage One
  • NTas
  • NTwinfield
  • NVT Accounts
  • NWave
  • NZoho Books
  • NZipBooks

What is included in the Xero migration Service?

Not-for-Profit Xero Setup

Configure Xero for your organisation

Historical Transaction

Seamlessly import your historical financial transactions

Charity-Focused Chart of Accounts

Customise charts of accounts for charity and non-profit organisations

Import and Create Contacts

Add donors, suppliers, and employees as contacts

Bank Accounts and Feeds

Establish and configure bank accounts and bank rules

Multicurrency Bank Account

We will setup multicurrency Bank Account and bank feeds

Financial Settings Configuration

We’ll handle your tax and financial settings, including GST/VAT/sales tax rates

Customise Dashboard

Personalise your Xero dashboard for easy navigation

Invoice Customisation

Configure Xero invoice settings and design

Payment Gateway Setup

Review and set up payment gateway and direct debit apps

Setup Users

We will add and manage users to give your team or accountant access to your Xero file

Customised Reports

We will setup customised reporting template for your charity

Payroll Reconciliation

Reconcile wages, pension, and PAYE payments in the bank

Bank Reconciliation

Reconcile bank transactions, transfers, and set up bank rules

Petty Cash Management

Record and track petty cash payments

Fund Monitoring

Set up tracking categories to oversee funds

Fixed Assets and Depreciation

Generate profit and loss reports by funds

Tracking category

Maintain fixed assets register and calculate depreciation

Payroll and Pension Journal Entries

Record monthly wages, PAYE, and pension journal postings

Third-Party Add-on Integration

Connect and integrate essential third-party add-ons to Xero

Comprehensive Xero Training

4-hour Xero Charity Training for you and your staff

Our specialty is working directly with you from beginning to end, from understanding your organization’s needs to setting up the real system to training your team and providing continuing support.

We want to make the transition of your company to Xero as easy and stress-free as possible.

 Some of our Xero Migration Clients

How Xero Migration Works

Step 1

Book a discovery call

Schedule a 30-minute call with our Xero Migration Experts to start your setup
Step 2

Discovery Session

In a 30-minute call, we will analyse your business needs and provide a tailored Xero migration plan and cost proposal
Step 3

Xero Setup

After accepting our proposal and providing details, migration will take from 3-5 hours up to 3-5 days (depending on conversion)
Step 4

Xero Training

Get 4-hour Certified Xero Advisor training after full setup. Become your own Xero expert

Ready to move over to Xero? Click below!

Looking for a Bespoke Xero Migration Quote? Complete
our Xero Migration Questionaries Below!

Checkout our related service

Xero Migration Correction

If you've tried to make the move to Xero and something has gone wrong, don't worry. We can make this process simple and painless.

Xero Training

As a leading Xero Gold Champion partner and certified advisor, we provide various Xero training courses, including Xero Payroll, Xero Practical Accounting Training, Xero project and WorkflowMax Training

Xero Payroll Setup

As a leading Xero Champion Partner and certified Advisor we regularly Set up Xero Payroll as a new or part way through a Tax year

Xero Basic Setup

Xero Basic setup is ideal for new or start-up Business. This also ideal for business who have no accounting system or whom are working off Microsoft excel spreadsheets.

Never Do It On Your Own Again

With us as your Xero advisor, you can get a handle on your business’s finances through the power of Xero and the apps which integrate with it. We make sure that every single day is business as usual for you and your team.